Coaching and mentoring for young adults, athletes, and recovery seekers

Your potential knows no bounds.

Together we will find the way to WHO you want to be.

Mindset Motivator's Specialities

Young Adults

The leap into college or early professional life is more than an academic transition; it's a significant life shift that demands new levels of independence, decision-making, and self-awareness. Our coaching program provides young adults with the skills and confidence necessary to successfully manage these changes, setting a solid foundation for their future paths.

Athletes & Runners

Athletic achievements are often as much about mental strength as physical capabilities. Our coaching for athletes centers on overcoming mental blocks, enhancing focus, and cultivating a mindset geared towards excellence and overcoming adversity. We're here to elevate your game, whether you're facing a slump or aiming for the next level.


Addressing addiction requires courage, support, and a committed ally. Coach T's approach integrates holistic methods and actionable steps to help individuals reclaim control over their lives. With empathy and understanding, we guide our clients through their recovery journeys, focusing on resilience, healing, and sustainable change.

Young Adults

The leap into high school or college is more than an academic transition—a significant life shift that demands new levels of independence, decision-making, and self-awareness. Our coaching program provides young adults with the skills and confidence necessary to successfully manage these changes, setting a solid foundation for their future paths.

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Athletes & Runners

Athletic achievements are often as much about mental strength as physical capabilities. Our coaching for athletes centers on overcoming mental blocks, enhancing focus, and cultivating a mindset geared towards excellence and overcoming adversity. We're here to elevate your game, whether you're facing a slump or aiming for the next level.

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Battling addiction requires courage, support, and a committed ally. Coach T's approach integrates holistic methods and actionable steps to help individuals reclaim control over their lives. With empathy and understanding, we guide our clients through their recovery journeys, focusing on resilience, healing, and sustainable change.

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Hi, I am Tara!

My friends call me Coach T.

At Mindset Motivator, we believe in the power of transformation. Led by expertise and compassionate guidance, we specialize in providing mindset coaching services tailored to young adults navigating the pivotal transitions into college or professional life, individuals striving to thrive in recovery from addiction, and athletes seeking to break through performance hurdles.

Our mission is simple yet profound: to empower you with the power of choice in perspective. We help you find the power to craft a success plan to overcome challenges and build a life based on resilience, purpose and triumph. Through personalized coaching strategies, we aim to equip you with the tools and mindset needed for enduring success and personal fulfillment.

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Client Success Stories

Discover how Tara's coaching has transformed the lives of diverse individuals seeking growth and direction:

"Tara went above and beyond with me. She quickly helped me identify my strengths and challenged me to find ways to believe in myself. I left every session with renewed sense of purpose and drive. Words alone cannot describe what her coaching has done for me."

Kristen K.

"It was really really great working with Tara. It was an eye opening experience to say the least. Somewhere along the line, I had forgotten I have dreams and choices and Tara helped me to realize both. I am now on a career path and adventure of a lifetime that was opened up for me by working with Tara. Great experience! I highly recommend her!"

Christine D.

"Miss Tara helped me to feel comfortable with myself. She and I worked on my schedule and creating plans that I could easily manage on my own. She helped me not be so afraid about going to college. I felt like she knew what it was like to be me and that was really nice. Miss Tara helped me to live on my own and go to school without feeling like I needed to use drugs. She also helped me to make friends and not spend so much time in my room alone. I don’t think I could have made it through without her coaching me."


Key Outcomes from Working with Coach T

Here's how a mindset coach can guide you to a more empowered and accomplished version of yourself.

  • Self-Leadership

    A mindset coach encourages you to take charge of your life, helping you step into self-leadership. This means taking full responsibility for your actions and decisions, ultimately crafting a new version of yourself that aligns with your goals and values. It's about becoming the conductor of your life's orchestra, ensuring every note contributes to the beautiful symphony of your dreams and aspirations.

  • Time Management

    Many need help managing time, keeping a schedule, and efficiently carving out study or work time. Mindset coaching provides you with the tools and techniques to create a practical and achievable schedule - how to stick to it. Overcoming procrastination becomes attainable, allowing for increased productivity and efficiency in all areas of life.

  • Organization

    Being more organized contributes significantly to feeling in control of your life. A mindset coach collaborates with you to develop systems and processes that keep your physical and mental space clutter-free. This structured approach can dramatically reduce stress and anxiety, leading to a more peaceful and fulfilling daily existence.

  • Confidence

    One of the most potent benefits of mindset coaching is the remarkable increase in confidence and motivation. You'll find yourself more driven to pursue your dreams through positive reinforcement and strategic goal-setting. Your mindset coach acts as a cheerleader, reminding you of your strengths and capabilities, even when you might not see them yourself.

  • Mindset

    This is the area where working with a mindset coach is different than a life coach. A mindset coach, like Coach T, works with you to learn where you store your energy. It’s not just a “think positive and you’ll be more positive.” It’s something far more powerful—actually training your mind to create the feelings you want to experience and then crafting the perspective that will manufacture that experience and those feelings. 

  • Anxiety Navigation

    Learning how to manage stress and anxiety is critical for maintaining both mental and physical health. Mindset coaching with Coach T offers strategies and mechanisms to COPE (Create Opportunity Perspective Excellence), helping you identify triggers and craft desired responses that enable you to hold confidence and composure through challenging situations.

  • Self-Care

    In an emergency, there’s a reason your flight attendant instructs you to put your oxygen mask on first: If you are not taking care of yourself, you’re not in the best shape to be there for others. Working with a mindset coach emphasizes the importance of caring for yourself mentally, spiritually, and physically. This includes establishing routines that support self-care, such as exercise, nutrition, journaling and other mindfulness practices. Proper self-care ensures you're at your best, offers greater resiliency, and makes you more resilient through life's challenges.

  • Academic Excellence

    Mindset coaching can lead to more effective and efficient study or work habits for students and professionals. This translates to better grades or improved performance at work as you learn how to harness your focus and leverage your energy most effectively.

  • Overcoming Fear

    “FEAR” - False Evidence Appearing Real.

    Coach T empowers you to confront the evidence (or the story) you’ve convinced yourself is truth. Through various exercises and sessions, you'll learn how to recognize the underlying reason for the story your brain has made up to protect you from moving forward. It’s usually an underlying belief system that served you at one time in your life and is no longer valid—typically, the “I’m not ‘x’ enough,” phenomena. Once we find the root of the fear, we create a success plan to combat it. With a success plan and practice, we can turn the narrative from fear to power.

A woman is standing in a room with a suitcase and boxes.

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Resources for Everyone

By Tara Estevez-Seickel 09 Jul, 2024
Your Child Will Need More Than Their Teddy Bear
By Tara Estevez-Seickel 26 Jun, 2024
Imposter Syndrome: Disconnection From My Divine Purpose
A man is running on a track in a stadium.
24 May, 2024
Athletics is more than just a physical activity; it's a journey toward personal excellence, discipline, and resilience. Whether you're an aspiring marathoner, a baseball player, a tennis pro, or any other athlete looking to push your limits, a mindset coach can be the catalyst that transforms your experience.
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